I'm specialized in delivering high-quality Full-Stack solutions

Always looking to learn and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in software development and look forward to applying my experience and knowledge to new challenges.


Who i am

Gustavo Mendes

Software Engineer & UI Designer

Hi, call me Gustavo Mendes 👋.
I'm a Software Engineer at Accenture 👨‍💻.
I'm specialized in delivering high-quality Full-Stack solutions I'm always looking to learn and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in software development and look forward to applying my experience and knowledge to new challenges.

Experiences .


Circle Labs


Academia da pele

Software Engineer

Dec 2021 - At the moment


- Support for legacy systems and implementation of new features
- Creating APIs and Microservices Tools: Angular · Jenkins · R ·
Tools: NodeJS · Jest · AngularJS

Projects .

Quiz Dev

The Quiz dev allows you to test and improve your flutter knowledge

View project

Move it

With it you can study/work efficiently, using the pomodoro methodology

View project
Repositories on GitHub

Services .

ícone layers

UI Design

I design the interface so that it is clear, objective and, above all, intuitive for the user.

ícone código


I develop professional websites, blogs, portfolios, landing pages and eCommerce.

ícone imagem


Boost your page using SEO best practices

Knowledge .

*hover mouse cursor over card to read*

ícone do html
ícone do css
ícone do javascript
ícone do sass
ícone do react
ícone do next
ícone do styled
ícone do tailwind
ícone do radix
ícone do typescript
ícone do storybook
ícone do cypress